演员:齐凡克·塔里图格,贝尔奇姆·比尔金,迈莱特·费拉特,Farah Zeynep Abdullah,伊尔玛兹·艾多甘
更新时间:2023-04-18 05:20
Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..
《蝴蝶梦2013》是伊尔玛兹·艾多甘于0年拍摄的一部经典剧情片。此片开创其它当代剧情片的先河,《蝴蝶梦2013》上映时票房稳坐前三,创下当年纪录。当时齐凡克·塔里图格,贝尔奇姆·比尔金,迈莱特·费拉特,Farah Zeynep Abdullah,伊尔玛兹·艾多甘均为最佳主角,齐凡克·塔里图格,贝尔奇姆·比尔金,迈莱特·费拉特,Farah Zeynep Abdullah,伊尔玛兹·艾多甘以精彩演技和突出形象,奠定在其它影坛地位。齐凡克·塔里图格,贝尔奇姆·比尔金,迈莱特·费拉特,Farah Zeynep Abdullah,伊尔玛兹·艾多甘饰演角色造型多年后仍为人所模仿。伊尔玛兹·艾多甘之前曾被人怀疑其能力,而《蝴蝶梦2013》却奠定伊尔玛兹·艾多甘电影风格。《蝴蝶梦2013》首映时曾获海外剧情片和媒体广泛称誉,被认为其优秀程度,是足以与同时期(指1980年代)好莱坞(好莱坞)优秀剧情片齐名。
Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..
《蝴蝶梦2013》是一部剧情片电影,由导演:伊尔玛兹·艾多甘执导,主演:齐凡克·塔里图格,贝尔奇姆·比尔金,迈莱特·费拉特,Farah Zeynep Abdullah,伊尔玛兹·艾多甘,
Last days of 1941 summer, the era of Obligation, during the famine atmosphere of the Second World War. In the middle of all this poverty and turmoil, there are two poets in their early twenties: Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu and Rustu Onur. They have been carrying tuberculosis germs in their lungs and love of poetry in their hearts for years. Two poets who have the constant habit of making bets on things that they do not own, make a bet on a beautiful girl. They will both write a poem for her and whichever Suzan likes, the other will fade from the scene..
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